Leslie Tay

"a tenor voice of remarkable control and clarity ... commits completely and entirely to his character"



my teaching philosophy

  • I believe that everyone should sing and everyone can get better at singing. Therefore, I am happy to work with anyone as long as he or she is motivated and teachable
  • I work on singer psychology, diction and dramatic characterization in lessons, not just vocal technique
  • I have struggled much in my own development as a singer and have gradually learnt to recognize the fears and challenges that singers face
  • I believe that singing has to be fun and enjoyable but always grounded in technical security and heightened self-awareness
  • I believe in the equality of vocal genres and embrace all forms of musical vocal expression as worthy of study
  • I enjoy discovering what makes each voice unique and finding vocally suitable repertoire for my students which showcase their vocal attributes
  • I aim to provide my students with as holistic an education as possible. I have come to realize that talent alone is insufficient, and that those who succeed in becoming professional musicians have a good mix of skill, tenacity, passion, self-discipline and networking ability
  • I encourage my students to learn to be adventurers and discover new things about the world and themselves. Only then will they truly receive an education
  • I remind my students that perfection is an unattainable illusion. I tell them they have to learn to forgive their own mistakes and accept their perceived imperfections and limitations and find ways of working with them. 
  • When asked why he continued practising at the age of 90, the famed cellist Pablo Casals replied: "Because I think I am making progress". That's the reason I continue taking lessons and being an active performer. Continuing to hone my craft as a performer allows me to be an even more effective teacher to my students through the sharing of both practical performer advice in addition to vocal instruction. Because I believe the learning never ends, no matter how old one is.
Voice lesson with American tenor Donald George

Voice lesson with American tenor Donald George

Copyright ©leslietaysings.com 2017